


For the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants

To improve the indoor air quality in offices, hotels, and airports

  • Available with different carbon types for various areas of application and operating conditions

  • Compact depth construction

  • Fitting into ducted particulate filters (types KSF, KSFS) and duct casings for particulate filters (type DCA)


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General information


  • Filter cell for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants as well as hydrocarbons or traces of inorganic compounds from the supply and recirculated air

Special features

  • Upon request, filter cells can be provided with impregnated carbon types: for special applications and operating conditions, e.g. for the adsorption of sulphur and chlorine compounds

Nominal sizes

  • B × H × T [mm]

Useful additions

  • Ducted particulate filter, available as one unit (KSF, KSFS) or as a filter unit system (KSFSSP)

  • Duct casing for particulate filters (DCA)

Construction features

  • Flat seal as standard

Materials and surfaces

  • Activated carbon on carrier material

  • Frame made of MDF

Technical information

Technical data, Specification text, Order code

  • Technical data

Differential pressure at nominal volume flow rate [Pa]


Max. operating temperature [°C]50
Maximum relative humidity [%]70

Specification text

Activated carbon filter cells for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants as well as hydrocarbons or traces of inorganic compounds from the supply and recirculated air. Compact depth construction. Activated carbon filter cells are available in standard sizes. Flat seal as standard.

Special features

  • Upon request, filter cells can be provided with impregnated carbon types: for special applications and operating conditions, e.g. for the adsorption of sulphur and chlorine compounds

Materials and surfaces

  • Activated carbon on carrier material

  • Frame made of MDF

Sizing data

  • Noxious gas

  • Volume flow rate [m³/h]

  • Contact time [s]

  • Differential pressure [Pa]

  • Nominal size [mm]

ACFMDF/610 × 610 × 292/FNU
| | | |
1 2 3 4

1 Type
ACF Activated carbon filter cell. 

2 Construction
MDF Frame medium density fibreboard 

3 Nominal size [mm]

B × H × T 

4 Seal
No entry required: None
FNU Flat seal on the upstream side



  • Dimensions
Nominal size

Nominal volume flow rate

Differential pressureWeight
BHTqv [l/s]qv [m³/h]Pakg

The unit of measurement millimetres [mm] applies to all length specifications without an illustrated unit of measurement.


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