Lobby / reception

In the lobby you will mostly find mixed flow systems. Guests are welcomed by a comfortable climate created by ceiling swirl diffusers. Modern central building management systems allow for quick adjustments to ever changing indoor climate conditions.

The type XARTO and AIRNAMIC swirl diffusers are innovative air terminal devices that combine an extremely quiet air discharge with optimum swirl generation. The most demanding comfort requirements can thus be met, even with very high volume flow rates.

DUK jet nozzles are perfect for large and high reception areas, where the supply air discharge point is quite a distance from the occupied zone. The jet nozzles are suitable for heating or cooling applications and can be adjusted electrically or manually. The supply air flow can thus be ideally adapted to the actual conditions.

The type FBA floor diffusers are made of aluminium and have been designed to withstand very heavy usage. They provide comfortable and energy-efficient air discharge into rooms by complementing existing upward convection streams present in the occupied zone. This principle allows for the local heat loads to be dissipated very effectively.

Swirl diffusers XARTO

90 – 275 l/s
324 – 990 m³/h
598 und 623 mm


Jet nozzles DUK

20 – 835 l/s
70 – 3.000 m³/h
Ø 100 – 400 mm


Floor diffusers FBA

5 – 50 l/s
20 – 180 m³/h
Ø 150 und 200 mm


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