Barajas Airport - Madrid

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As the largest airport in Spain, Madrid Barajas receives more than 40 million air passengers every year which makes it Europe’s main hub for flights to South America. It is also home to the Spanish Air Force. The architecture is impressive, too, and in 2006 Madrid Barajas was awarded the renowned British Stirling Prize. 

Spain’s capital airport is characterised by the intricacy of its colourful, 1.2 km long Terminal 4 building. Its design placed high architectural demands on the air conditioning and ventilation system. The objective was to create a pleasant atmosphere for passengers, staff and visitors alike by means of a low-turbulence, draught-free air supply.

Passengers should feel safe and com­fort­able in Terminal 4. Top priorities were, hence, com­fort, air qual­ity and safety. 

TROX was able to install its air con­di­tion­ing and vent­il­a­tion com­pon­ents and sys­tems in nearly all sec­tions of the air­port to meet the very diverse requirements.

The dis­place­ment flow dif­fusers had been spe­cially de­signed for Mad­rid Barajas and were in­stalled in Ter­minal 4. Dis­place­ment flow dif­fusers pre­vent air tur­bu­lence and hence draughts. The convection from people and computers, for example, causes the air to rise and create comfortable conditions in the occupied zone. The warm, stale air is extracted near the ceiling. The air qual­ity in the ter­minal is thus par­tic­u­larly high, with the tem­per­at­ure being main­tained at com­fort­able levels. In addition to displacement flow diffusers TROX also installed fire dampers, sound at­ten­u­at­ors and volume flow con­trol­lers.

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