
Plug-and-play connection of components


Zone modules


Quadruple distributor X-SENS-SPLITTER



Sensors for X-AIRCONTROL zone modules

Components for measuring and recording various measured variables and conditions in systems for single room control and centralised control – such as X-AIRCONTROL

  • Combined temperature and humidity sensor
  • Dew point monitor
  • Air quality sensor
  • Presence detector (PIR sensor)
  • Splitter

Allgemeine Informationen


  • Sensors for the X-AIRCONTROL control system
  • For connection to the zone modules X-AIR-ZMO-... (ANA, MP, MOD) and master modules X-AIR-ZMAS
  • Duct temperature sensor for supply air and extract air - combination sensor temperature and humidity as duct sensor for extract air
  • Air quality sensor as a duct sensor for measuring of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the extract air
  • Air quality sensor as duct sensor for measuring metallic oxides (CO2) in the extract air
  • Air quality sensor for measuring the CO2-content in the room air, and for measuring humidity as a room sensor
  • Dew point monitor for monitoring condensation on chilled ceilings, etc.
  • Presence detector for detecting the presence of people in the room
  • Quadruple distributor for sensors and operating units with Modbus (splitter)


  • TEMP-RH-EXH: Combined temperature and humidity sensor for extract air
  • TEMP-PT1000: Duct temperature sensor (PT1000)
  • VOC-EXH: Air quality sensor (VOC)
  • CO2-EXH: Air quality sensor (CO2)
  • CO2-RH: Combination sensor CO2 and humidity sensor
  • DEWPT: Dew point monitor
  • PIR-SM: Presence detector (PIR sensor), detection range 180°
  • PIR-FM: Presence detector (PIR sensor), 360° field of detection
  • SPLITTER: Quadruple distributor for sensors and operating units with Modbus


  • Maintenance-free, as construction and materials are not subject to wear and tear
  • Checking and cleaning, in particular if the device is used in a room or in an extract air duct
  • Regular cleaning (dust removal) is recommended

Technical information

X-AIRCONTROL zone X-AIRCONTROL_gc_06ailink.png

1 Zone module

2 Temperature sensor

3 Air quality sensor

4 Presence detector (PIR sensor)

5 Humidity sensor

6 Control panel

7 Cooling, e.g. active chilled beam

8 Heating, e.g heating coil

9 Volume flow control

X-SENS sensors include various components for comfort-oriented room control, e.g. temperature detection, humidity measurement, air quality analysis (VOC/CO2) and presence detection.

Depending on the application, different sensors can be connected to an X-AIRCONTROL zone module. The X-SENS sensors are mostly recognised automatically by the zone module. The measured values are included in the regulation of the room.

1 Type

2 Variant
Combined temperature and humidity sensor for extract air ducts
TEMP-PT1000 Duct sensor temperature PT1000
VOC-EXH Air quality sensor VOC for extract air duct
CO2-EXH Air quality sensor CO2 for extract air duct
CO2-RH Combined CO2 and humidity sensor
DEWPT Dew point monitor
PIR-SM Presence detector (PIR), detection range 180°
PIR-FM Presence detector (PIR), detection range 360°
SPLITTER Quadruple distributor for sensors and operating units with Modbus


product information

operation manuals

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