TROX X-CUBE air handling units now with Eurovent certificate

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The X-CUBE air handling units with unlimited configuration options have now been certified by Eurovent. Both the X-CUBE air handling unit and the X-CUBE Configurator design programme were tested for the certification.

Eurovent has confirmed that the X-CUBE Configurator software meets the necessary requirements and that the output data is correct. Moreover, measuring tests have been carried out on a model box by the TUEV that has also confirmed the excellent casing properties of the X-CUBE (classification to DIN 1886).

The Eurovent certification process included an X-CUBE air handling unit to test whether output values from the design software are actually achieved in reality, i.e. if the measurement data is correct.

The X-CUBE air handling unit has now successfully passed two certification programmes - Eurovent and the test by the German Association of AHU Manufacturers (RLT-Herstellerverband). Both Eurovent and the AHU Manufacturers also evaluate the casing properties with regard to energy efficiency, and classify units accordingly, either A+, A or B (Association of AHU Manufacturers) or A, B, C, D, E (Eurovent).


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